package cmd import ( "os" "context" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) // CmdMigrate migrates a given repository to gitea var CmdMigrate = cli.Command{ Name: "migrate", Usage: "migrates a github to a gitea repository", Action: runMigrate, Flags: append(defaultMigrateFlags, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "gh-repo", Usage: "GitHub Repository", Value: "username/reponame", EnvVar: "GH_REPOSITORY", }, ), } func runMigrate(ctx *cli.Context) error { m := &migrations.Migratory{ Client: gitea.NewClient(ctx.String("url"), ctx.String("token")), Private: ctx.Bool("private"), NewOwnerID: ctx.Int64("owner"), } if m.NewOwnerID == 0 { usr, err := m.Client.GetMyUserInfo() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch user info about current user: %v", err) } m.NewOwnerID = usr.ID } c := context.Background() var gc *github.Client if ctx.IsSet("gh-token") { ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource( &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: ctx.String("gh-token")}, ) tc := oauth2.NewClient(c, ts) gc = github.NewClient(tc) } else { gc = github.NewClient(nil) } username := strings.Split(ctx.String("gh-repo"), "/")[0] repo := strings.Split(ctx.String("gh-repo"), "/")[1] if u := os.Getenv("GITHUB_USER"); u != "" { m.AuthUsername = u } if p := os.Getenv("GITHUB_PASS"); p != "" { m.AuthPassword = p } return migrate(c, gc, m, username, repo, ctx.Bool("only-repo")) } func migrate(c context.Context, gc *github.Client, m *migrations.Migratory, username, repo string, onlyRepo bool) error { fmt.Printf("Fetching repository %s/%s...\n", username, repo) gr, _, err := gc.Repositories.Get(c, username, repo) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while fetching repo[%s/%s]: %v", username, repo, err) } fmt.Printf("Migrating repository %s/%s...\n", username, repo) var mr *gitea.Repository if mr, err = m.Repository(gr); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while migrating repo[%s/%s]: %v", username, repo, err) } fmt.Printf("Repository migrated to %s/%s\n", mr.Owner.UserName, mr.Name) if onlyRepo { return nil } fmt.Println("Fetching issues...") opt := &github.IssueListByRepoOptions{ Sort: "created", Direction: "asc", State: "all", ListOptions: github.ListOptions{ PerPage: 100, }, } var allIssues = make([]*github.Issue, 0) for { issues, resp, err := gc.Issues.ListByRepo(c, username, repo, opt) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error while listing repos: %v", err) } allIssues = append(allIssues, issues...) if resp.NextPage == 0 { break } opt.Page = resp.NextPage } fmt.Println("Migrating issues...") for _, gi := range allIssues { fmt.Printf("Migrating #%d...\n", *gi.Number) issue, err := m.Issue(gi) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("migrating issue[id: %d]: %v", *gi.ID, err) } comments, _, err := gc.Issues.ListComments(c, username, repo, gi.GetNumber(), nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("fetching issue[id: %d] comments: %v", *gi.ID, err) } for _, gc := range comments { fmt.Printf("-> %d...", gc.ID) if _, err := m.IssueComment(issue, gc); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("migrating issue comment [issue: %d, comment: %d]: %v", *gi.ID, gc.ID, err) } fmt.Print("Done!\n") } fmt.Printf("Migrated #%d...\n", *gi.Number) } return nil }