# db_construction_site Unofficial Dart implementation of Deutsche Bahn's construction site API. This library is not affiliated with Deutsche Bahn (DB). Please note that the API might change in the future making this library incompatible. ## Usage Add `db_construction_site` to your `pubspec.yaml`: ```yaml dependencies: db_construction_site: ^0.0.1-dev ``` Import the package `package:db_construction_site/db_construction_site.dart` and initiate a new instance of `DBConstructionSite` you can pass another base url as a named constructor parameter if you'd like to. ```dart import 'package:db_construction_site/db_construction_site.dart'; final constructionSite = DBConstructionSite(); ``` or ```dart import 'package:db_construction_site/db_construction_site.dart'; final constructionSite = DBConstructionSite(baseUrl: "https://your-new-base-url"); ```