A tool to migrate GitHub Repositories to Gitea including all issues
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package migrations
// Options defines the way a repository gets migrated
type Options struct {
Issues bool
Milestones bool
Labels bool
Comments bool
PullRequests bool
AuthUsername string
AuthPassword string
Private bool
NewOwnerID int
Strategy Strategy
// Strategy represents the procedure of migration.
type Strategy int
const (
// Classic works for all Gitea versions and creates comments by the user migrating the repository. This does not require
// admin permissions. The issue "number" is also assinged by Gitea and could be different to the GitHub issue "number".
// Creation date of comments, issues, milestones, etc. will be the date of creation.
Classic Strategy = iota
// Advanced works for all Gitea versions 1.6+ and utilizes the Gitea Migration API which allows the tool to create comments
// with Ghost Users. Creation date and issue numbers will be the same like GitHub. It requires admin permissions for repo
// (creation date, issue number) and/or