workspace: base: /srv/app path: src/ clone: git: image: plugins/git:1 depth: 50 tags: true pipeline: pre-build: image: webhippie/nodejs:latest pull: true commands: - npm install - make stylesheets-check when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] build-without-gcc: image: webhippie/golang:1.8 pull: true environment: GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - go build -o gitea_no_gcc # test if build succeeds without the sqlite tag when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] build: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make clean - make generate - make vet - make lint - make fmt-check - make misspell-check - make test-vendor - make build when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] # Commented until db locking have been resolved! # test-sqlite: # image: webhippie/golang:edge # pull: true # group: test # environment: # TAGS: bindata # GOPATH: /srv/app # commands: # - make test-sqlite # when: # event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] generate-coverage: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true environment: TAGS: bindata GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make coverage when: event: [ push, pull_request ] branch: [ master ] static: image: karalabe/xgo-latest:latest pull: true environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make release when: event: [ push, tag ] build_docs: image: webhippie/hugo:latest pull: true commands: - cd docs - make trans-copy - make clean - make build gitea: image: jonasfranz/gitea-release:1 pull: true prerelease: true base_url: "" note: title: "1.4.0" secrets: [ gitea_token ] files: - dist/release/* when: event: [ tag ]