A tool to migrate GitHub Repositories to Gitea including all issues
25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.

89 satır
2.1 KiB

# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
branch = "master"
name = "code.gitea.io/sdk"
packages = ["gitea"]
revision = "79a281c4e34ae44cf96a23f0283729a074a6c2a0"
name = "github.com/davecgh/go-spew"
packages = ["spew"]
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version = "v1.1.0"
name = "github.com/golang/protobuf"
packages = ["proto"]
revision = "925541529c1fa6821df4e44ce2723319eb2be768"
version = "v1.0.0"
name = "github.com/google/go-github"
packages = ["github"]
revision = "e48060a28fac52d0f1cb758bc8b87c07bac4a87d"
version = "v15.0.0"
branch = "master"
name = "github.com/google/go-querystring"
packages = ["query"]
revision = "53e6ce116135b80d037921a7fdd5138cf32d7a8a"
name = "github.com/pmezard/go-difflib"
packages = ["difflib"]
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version = "v1.0.0"
name = "github.com/stretchr/testify"
packages = ["assert"]
revision = "f35b8ab0b5a2cef36673838d662e249dd9c94686"
version = "v1.2.2"
name = "github.com/urfave/cli"
packages = ["."]
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version = "v1.20.0"
branch = "master"
name = "golang.org/x/net"
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revision = "24dd3780ca4f75fed9f321890729414a4b5d3f13"
branch = "master"
name = "golang.org/x/oauth2"
packages = [
revision = "fdc9e635145ae97e6c2cb777c48305600cf515cb"
name = "google.golang.org/appengine"
packages = [
revision = "150dc57a1b433e64154302bdc40b6bb8aefa313a"
version = "v1.0.0"
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analyzer-version = 1
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solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
solver-version = 1