# gitea-github-migrator [![Build Status](https://drone.jonasfranz.software/api/badges/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator/status.svg)](https://drone.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator) [![Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=release&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.jonasfranz.software%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Frepos%2FJonasFranzDEV%2Fgitea-github-migrator%2Freleases&query=%24%5B0%5D.tag_name)](https://git.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator/releases) A tool to migrate [GitHub](https://github.com) Repositories to [Gitea](https://gitea.io) including all issues, labels, milestones and comments. ## Features Migrates: - [x] Repositories - [x] Issues - [x] Labels - [x] Milestones - [x] Comments - [ ] Users - [ ] Pull Requests - [ ] Statuses ## Installation ```bash go get git.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator cd $GOPATH/src/git.jonasfranz.software/JonasFranzDEV/gitea-github-migrator dep ensure go install ``` ## Usage Migrate one repository: ```bash gitea-github-migrator migrate \ --gh-repo owner/reponame \ --gh-token GITHUB_TOKEN \ --url http://gitea-url.tdl \ --token GITEA_TOKEN \ --owner 1 ``` `gh-token` is only required if you have more than 50 issues / repositories. Migrate all repositories: ```bash gitea-github-migrator migrate-all \ --gh-user username \ --gh-token GITHUB_TOKEN \ --url http://gitea-url.tdl \ --token GITEA_TOKEN \ --owner 1 ``` Migrate all repositories without issues etc. (classic): ```bash gitea-github-migrator migrate-all \ --gh-user username \ --gh-token GITHUB_TOKEN \ --url http://gitea-url.tdl \ --token GITEA_TOKEN \ --owner 1 --only-repo ``` ## Problems * This migration tool does not work with Gitea instances using a SQLite database. * Comments / Issues will be added in the name of the user to whom belongs the token (information about the original date and author will be added) * The current date is used for creation date (information about the actual date is added in a comment)