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# Jitsi Meet
A [Jitsi Meet]( Chart for Kubernetes
## Install chart
To download and to install the Jitsi Meet Chart, make sure that you have the Helm CLI (v2+) installed and clone this repository on your machine.
Once done, you can find some examples [here](./jitsi-meet-examples).
To install the chart, in your terminal, go to the `jitsi-meet-helm` repository and run the following command:
helm install --namespace $MY_NAMESPACE -n jitsi-meet jitsi-meet -f ./jitsi-meet-examples/basic/values.yaml --wait
`$MY_NAMESPACE` should be replaced by the namespace you want to use for Jitsi Meet.
It assumes that you have a [Nginx Ingress]( controller and you use [CertManager]( along with [ACME]( issuer type for managing the HTTPS certificates.
Because `--wait` flag, the status will be given once Jisti Meet is ready.
## Updating the chart
To update the chart, in your terminal, go to the `jitsi-meet-helm` repository and run the following command:
helm upgrade jitsi-meet jitsi-meet -f ./jitsi-meet-examples/basic/values.yaml --namespace $MY_NAMESPACE --wait
`$MY_NAMESPACE` should be replaced by the namespace you want to use for Jitsi Meet.
## Delete the chart
To delete the chart, in your terminal, go to the `jitsi-meet-helm` repository and run the following command:
helm delete --purge jitsi-meet
## Demo
Currently, the `aws` example is running on [``]( Feel free to give it a try and share your feedback !
## Warnings
* This chart is still an experiment - it runs currently one replica of each component
* Work needs to be done for writing route tables for the ingress to route UDP / TCP
* JVB service uses a `NodePort` type for routing UDP outside of the cluster
* The chart was tested on AWS and local Kubernetes cluster **ONLY** (no ingress - `kubectl port-forward` + `ngrok` to the rescue)
* The `prosody` deployment deploys both `jicofo` and `prosody` in one pod in order to use `jicofo` as a sidecar container - maybe not wise
## Configuration
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Jitsi Meet chart and their default values.
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| `image.pullSecrets` | Image pull secrets | `nil` |
| `jicofo.image.repository` | Image repository | `jitsi/jicofo` |
| `jicofo.image.tag` | Image tag | `latest` |
| `jicofo.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `Always` |
| `jicofo.environment` | Additional environment variables | `[]` |
| `jicofo.componentSecret` | Base64 encoded component secret | `nil` |
| `jicofo.userAuth.enabled` | Enabled authentication | `false` |
| `` | Username for authentication | `focus` |
| `jicofo.userAuth.secret` | Secret for authentication | `nil` |
| `jicofo.resources` | Pod resources | `{}` |
| `jvb.image.repository` | Image repository | `jitsi/jvb` |
| `jvb.image.tag` | Image tag | `latest` |
| `jvb.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `Always` |
| `jvb.replicaCount` | Replica count | `1` |
| `jvb.environment` | Additional environment variables | `[]` |
| `jvb.securityContext.fsGroup` | Security context deployment | `412` |
| `jvb.service.annotations` | Service annotations | `[]` |
| `jvb.service.type` | Service type | `NodePort` |
| `jvb.service.externalTrafficPolicy` | External traffic policy | `Cluster` |
| `jvb.ingress.enabled` | Yet to come, ingress UDP/TCP | `false` |
| `jvb.resources` | Pod resources | `{}` |
| `jvb.nodeSelector` | Node selector | `{}` |
| `jvb.affinity` | Node affinity | `{}` |
| `jvb.tolerations` | Node tolerations | `{}` |
| `jvb.userAuth.enabled` | Enabled authentication | `false` |
| `` | Username for authentication | `focus` |
| `jvb.userAuth.secret` | Secret for authentication | `nil` |
| `prosody.image.repository` | Image repository | `jitsi/prosody` |
| `prosody.image.tag` | Image tag | `latest` |
| `prosody.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `Always` |
| `prosody.environment` | Additional environment variables | `[]` |
| `prosody.replicaCount` | Replica count | `1` |
| `prosody.service.annotations` | Service annotations | `[]` |
| `prosody.service.type` | Service type | `ClusterIP` |
| `prosody.service.sessionAffinityConfig.clientIPConfig` | Timeout client IP | `10800` |
| `prosody.hpa.enabled` | Yet to come, horizontal pod autoscaler | `false` |
| `prosody.resources` | Pod resources | `{}` |
| `prosody.nodeSelector` | Node selector | `{}` |
| `prosody.affinity` | Node affinity | `{}` |
| `web.tolerations` | Node tolerations | `{}` |
| `web.image.repository` | Image repository | `jitsi/prosody` |
| `web.image.tag` | Image tag | `latest` |
| `web.image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `Always` |
| `web.environment` | Additional environment variables | `[]` |
| `web.replicaCount` | Replica count | `1` |
| `web.hpa.enabled` | Yet to come, horizontal pod autoscaler | `false` |
| `web.service.annotations` | Service annotations | `[]` |
| `web.service.type` | Service type | `ClusterIP` |
| `web.service.port` | Service port | `80` |
| `web.ingress.enabled` | Yet to come, ingress UDP/TCP | `false` |
| `web.resources` | Pod resources | `{}` |
| `web.nodeSelector` | Node selector | `{}` |
| `web.affinity` | Node affinity | `{}` |
| `web.tolerations` | Node tolerations | `{}` |
| `web.ingress.enabled` | Ingress controller | `false` |
| `web.ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `[]` |
| `web.ingress.hosts` | Ingress host configuration | `[]` |
| `web.ingress.tls` | TLS for ingress controller | `[]` |
| `ingressControllerNamespace` | Yet to come, namespace ingress | `nil` |
| `serviceAccount.create` | Create service account | `true` |
| `` | Service account name | `nil` |
| `podSecurityContext` | Pod Security context (except JVB) | `{}` |
| `securityContext` | Security context | `{}` |
## Help
For any assistance needed, please open an issue.
## Contributing
In case you notice an issue or want to implement some improvements, feel free to open an issue describing your finding and/or to open a pull-request.